Nefer & Shyla

Project Owners

L2jFrozen For Sale

What we are offering selling L2jFrozen

You will become the owner of:

1 - DNS hosting for
2 - Web hosting for
3 - VPS on for Testserver and bugreport system
4 - Full rights of official SVN
5 - Full rights on l2jfrozen 2.0 PRIVATE source
6 - Official Twitter page @l2jfrozen (never did advertise on it)
7 - Official Facebook page #l2jfrozen with 200 follower (never did advertise on it)

So you will have the full rights on:

1 -
Site/Blog with wordpress already configured and installed with the last version. A new theme is already ready for a new launch.

2 -
Forum SMF with a new and clean template with 670 members, 390 topics and 1.700 posts

3 -
Professional Bug report system using Mantis.

Remember that l2jfrozen on google got 56.000+ results and 1.310 on youtube.
In this package you will also have available the old l2jfrozen e-mail list backup with 20.000 email contacts (in total are more then 90.000 but most are bots), all about l2j players/admin for your advertise campaign.
So ... this is what's on the plate. You are practically buying a brand that has a certain fame and history and that clearly can work.

Private pack fix list:

The following improvements have been implemented:
- sources have been separated in four different modules, netcore, common, login and game modules, in order to properly manage each of them separately
- coupling between separated modules has been reduced, providing this dependency schema:
-- netcore is independent from anything
-- common is independent from anything
-- login depends on netcore and common
-- game depends on netcore and common
- Configuration properties have been reviewed and in such case improved, separating them based on specific module impact
- building script has been reviewed to support separate login and game module distribution
- project libraries have been updated
- Telnet feature has been removed.
- IRC feature has been removed.
- Added value "enchantmentLevel" for enchanted item on multisell.
- Added "enchantmentLevel" for ingredients.
- Fixed bug for no-delay with summon skill.
- wh clan load items problem
- Vote system reworked for hopzone, topzone, l2network.
- Removed russian comment.
- Removed visual rotation bug.
- Cleanup eclipse login-src.
- Cleanup eclipse common-src.
- Cleanup eclipse game-src.
- Cleanup eclipse netcore-src.
- Removed
- Removed "customs" folder on DP.
- summon_items.csv moved to folder /data/csv/
- summon_items.csv moved to folder /data/csv/
- staticobjects.csv moved to folder /data/csv/
- Moved boat.csv
- Moved boatpatch.csv
- Moved cursedWeapons.xml
- Moved dimensionalRift.xml
- Moved door.csv
- Moved extractable_items.csv
- Moved recipes.csv
- Moved scripts.cfg
- Moved seeds.csv
- Removed armorsets.csv
- Removed custom_drops sql folder
- Removed custom sql.
- Custom zone installed removed.
- Removed all sql about custom zone.
- Removed updates sql folder.
- Removed
- Enabled by default custom spawnlist save.
- Minor correction.
- Configuration files have been properly cleaned and moved from main config folder to proper folders
- Loggin configuration has been improved
- BoneCP has been removed due to obsolescence. New pool solutions are going to be evaluated
- XML RPC have been removed due to unsecurity. New JAVA WS solutions are going to be evaluated
- Removed IRC (Internet Relay Chat)
- Libraries have been cleaned and updated removing unuseful ones when possible
- Building has been improved
- Massive CONFIG reorganisations.
- Implemented Enchant script phx protection.
- Implemented Augment script phx protection.
- Fixed warning on server startup. WARN: L2TradeList 363 364
- Fixed slf4j failed to load class org.slf4j.impl.staticloggerbinder
- Implemented NPC L2BugReportInstance.
- Put useless log on DEBUG.
- Removed exceptions print for votehandler.
- removed extenders/extension feature to avoid possible server failures on wrong customizations.
- removed Engrave custom and related configurations.
- readded bsh shell and engine in order to support feanor.
- Fixed TvT bug with countTvTdies not reseted.
- Cleanup GS from Telnet deprecated.
- MMOConnection structure has been improved to avoid unuseful content.
- SelectorThread packets processing has been improved;
- Gameserver and Loginserver SelectorThread instances have been moved to SelectorThread Multiton;
- OfflineTradersTable restore implementation has been tuned to avoid multiple database connections on each player restore;
- OfflineTraders management has been improved and some bugs have been fixed.
- Implemented inactive Fake player spawn.
- Added command //fakeplayer.
- Added table fakeplayer.
- ServerStatus updated.
- Optimized the load of fakeplayers and offlineplayers during the server startup.
- Removed redundant check in knowlist.
- Optimized ServerStatus module.
- Fixed notify Event with offline shop bug.
- Fixed Offline shop can be attacked by aggro monster.
- Set client detached after closeNow() to prevents more packets execution.
- Fixed double spawnMe at login.
- Fixed .gotolove can't be used if dead.
- Fixed sell item exploit.
- Optimized Gs start up log organisation.
- Fixed RecipeShopMsg NPE.
- Fixed Offline trade store NPE.
- Fixed RegionBBSManager NPE.
- LoginServer and related Threads have been updated to latest L2j version organzation.
- Packets Logger has been improved allowing better debugging in XML format.
- Building has been improved to properly include needed configuration files.
- optimisation.
- Optimized calcStat() function.
- Set fakeplayer client as Detached.
- Updated and optimized method checkIfInRange().
- Fixed setzone Olympiad.
- Improved little problem with Townwar event.
- Fixed bug with CTF/TVT using revive.
- Fixed infinity spear cancel like L2OFF.
- Fixed bug with Manor setting price protection.
- Fixed /bin/bash^M: bad interpreter problem. for .sh files.
- Added config to enable/disable Seven sign festival.
- Added config to enable/disable auto open door.
- Fixed L2BugReport NPE.
- Added on L2BugReport the possibility to do multiple report for each player.
- Improved some DEBUG log.
- Removed from source/DP/SQL VIP Event.
- Added config for PacketsLoggerManager.
- login-src moved all enum classes on new file.
- game-src moved all enum classes on new file.
- common-src moved all enum classes on new file.
- netcore-src moved all enum classes on new file.
- Corrected PM_MESSAGE_ON_START config.
- Added Bot protection after mob kill.
- Removed botCheckstart in enterworld.
- Bot system ignore SIEGE and PVP ZONE and other cases.
- Players that didn't answer on the bot checker will be teleported to town and not kicked.
- Fixed bug with TVT/CTF using AURA skill on team member and player start autoattacking.
- Update on
- Update on
- Fixed IllegalArgumentException: No enum for stat/stats command.
- Added config for enable/disable vote commands.
- Added missing check to load .stat and .stats command.
- Fixed redundant removeBoni after weapon disarm.
- Fixed bug with same augumentation in two different weapon.
- Fixed Zaken zone bug to avoid Boss zone summon inside.
- Removed unuseful debug log.
- Added useful log for zone DEBUG.
- Fixed cleanUpDB() queries using DEBUG mode inside IdFactory.
- Added new logger level of c3p0 removing debugging message.
- Fixed NPE on disconnectAllCharacters().
- Fixed NPE on L2GameClient.
- Defined new Clients Netcore manager in order to properly maintain the clients status and activities traces. To be improved with monitoring capabilities.
- Implemented debug log to stacktrace error "Unevenly distributed hash code - Degraded Performance".
- Fixed "Unevenly distributed hash code" in SkillTreeTable().
- Fixed "Unevenly distributed hash code" in loadAllSkills().
- Fixed restoreFakePlayer open connection.
- Fixed kick for Offliner and FakePlayer (//kick namechar)
- Fixed kick for massive kick for offliner and fakeplayer (//kick_non_gm)
- Reworked leave olympiad observer mode.
- Added flood protector on StartRotating.
- Added connection count on ConnectionCheckTask.
- Removed Botcheck during Events.
- Removed SevenSigns useless error print.
- Added new checks on SendWareHouseDepositList.
- Added new checks on SendWareHouseWithDrawList.
- Added new checks on RequestSellItem.
- Added new protection on TradeList.
- Added new log for Tradelist.
- Fixed ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException for decreaseBoxed().
- Fixed NPE on addDamageHate()
- Fixed NPE on moveToLocation()
- Updated checkItemManipulation()
- Fixed setOwner() bug.
- Updated check on dropItem().
- Fixed setQueuedSkill() bug.
- Default punishment changed from 2 (kick) to 1 (gm warn).
- Improved Augument anti script protection.
- Increased ClientPacketQueueMax as default value.
- Fixed private craft with offline shop.
- Improved isTeleporting status.
- Added new debug log for CTF and TVT teleport.
- Added new logs for Multisell phx users.
- Fixed bug with depositing augmented weapon.
- Fixed bug using Blessed scroll of escape.
- Fixed some NPE on all the code using eclipse NPE finder.
- Removed all @SuppressWarnings("null")
- Fixed meetRaidWarCondition() always gone on false.
- Fixed some redoundant check with FindBug.
- Fixed setImobilized exploit.
- Fixed duel bug exploit with snipe and UD.
- Fixed bug with private store sell.
- Implemented new DeadlockDetector.
- Deprecated key.cfg
- Removed loadkeyoptions

If you are interested in making a serious offer you can contact us directly to our official email.