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Official L2jFrozen Test Server > Join the Test Server!
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Is TS online? I can login but get no further than server select, even it is blue 89 ping
--- Quote from: smfc on April 22, 2017, 08:17:05 AM ---Is TS online? I can login but get no further than server select, even it is blue 89 ping
--- End quote ---
Yes we found a problem about it, i haven't time to fix this weekend cause i'm out. However i restarted the TS now should be ok.
Test server online. We fixed also the problem with the GS crash. Enjoy
titans Rage has weird animation while changing weapons, when cooldown ends, change weapon and icon shows that cooldown starts again as if skill is used just now
Dash skill on TH has similar glitch, if you use dash and disarm your weapon it shows as skill is ready to use, but when you click it - says need to wait
Can you spawn plz some mobs in giran to level up subs, cos they are lvl 40 after change
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