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New template for the forum is online!

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Hello members,

finally i got the time to complete the new forum's template with all new badges for the users. I hope you like it! The closed BETA is going very well without critical issue, so we are focusing also on minor part (like the forum) and waiting to realese the first official version.

New forum badges:
Administrators Group

Developer Group

Global moderator Group

Supporters Group: People that help us supporting the forum with little donations.

Vetern Group: People that did the history on l2jfrozen.

Private pack access Group: People that paid to have the access of the new version of l2jfrozen.

For regular member the rank will increse with posts count:

TIP! Contact me if you have any problem with the new forum.


Good job!!  :D

Wow, nice update!  ;D

after my traffic accident i return to see these new cool changes.. nice work there guys

Nice update!


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