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News about the project 23/02
Hello guys, i want to give you some updates.
First update is about the new report system that we are implementing. We decided that all bugs about free/private pack will be reported on a different Platform base on bugzilla and not anymore on the forum. We decided this to better track all the problem and give a priority on the fixes. The forum will be used for support and guides.
Here you can see a preview: http://i.imgur.com/Y1AH3TP.jpg
Second update is about project status. We implemented a new system to give us better future updates about lib dependency. We updated all the libs that was completly un-updated from 2-3 years. Now we can track easly future updates.
As last update actually we are not fixing gameplay bug but we found a bug regarding the lag during mass pvp with 100+ online that afflicted lot of server using l2jfrozen and the fix is already in debug mode on the Test Server.
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