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What do you think about Lineage 2?

I think Lineage 2 is too old game and new generation plays to new, fast and mobile games
8 (10.5%)
I think that changing something, people will come back to play as we have a good base of players
23 (30.3%)
I think that we need to evolve the Lineage 2 concept to something categorically different and I've a lot of ideas
9 (11.8%)
I think that, also if Lineage 2 world is still alive, you are died and we hate you to have this rich of bugs and too customized pack
0 (0%)
I would like to have a good private pack, paying for improvements, bug fixes and support
31 (40.8%)
Stop please with this stupid questions, I just want a pack to play with my friends!
5 (6.6%)

Total Members Voted: 75

Voting closed: April 03, 2017, 11:37:48 AM

Author Topic: Lineage 2 World  (Read 80745 times)

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Offline Dagger

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #30 on: February 21, 2017, 07:25:29 PM »
Acis is good dp but unfortunately its developers are delirious as to the modifications of the code currently in the revision changed the L2PcInstance by Player? The only thing they know how to do is change names now since l2jfrozen has been erased hopefully they will not follow in their steps...

I have revision 1132 customized later on I will post mods for this revision here greetings

Offline valentin

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #31 on: February 21, 2017, 07:46:08 PM »
l2jfrozen must recover lost ground
do not forget That l2 cleaver was a combination l2jfrozen, restructured in java,but pretty good developer
« Last Edit: February 21, 2017, 07:53:28 PM by valentin »
smile tomorrow will be a better day

Offline VanGon

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #32 on: February 26, 2017, 04:35:29 PM »
Well hello and good afternoon , before i go to main talking let me say the importance of the pack for me..

I have been developing a server for around 3 years without opening around ur pack namely making small changes , adding/removing and etc and also importing stuff.. I really appreciate the work you do and its rly attractive to have such a team make a comeback from the 'dead'.. L2JFROZEN is pack which allows you to costumize stuff easily , giving u access to everything you want through simple methods (configs) and even making supereasy to import anything you want(add costum stuff and etc).

I voted for the paid subscription for the following reasons:

1--> You guys worked ur asses off these last years and made this project a success.. I can say that l2jfrozen is the best free open source l2j project that is around for the interlude client
2-->All this time u didnt get money and worked too hard to make a stable and collective pack
3-->You deserve to make it private earning you some extra money
4-->Making private means more time for u to gather all the fixes in one changelog and also work on it when u have ur free time instead of getting spammed about every little change and help anyone needs.
5-->You need to rework on some things such as reuse for skills/new npc's for the pack/commands and etc that have changed/updated since u last "closed" and the privacy will help u as long as you have an inner circle to help you out !
6-->Giving this awesome project away for free again will be a waste of ur time cause all you do is pleasure 1k ppl but you lose ur own personal time doing it!

Thanks for opening again im definetely going to keep up with l2jfrozen ,

Offline silvio40

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #33 on: March 02, 2017, 02:14:27 AM »
It is pleasing to read back to you.

Whatever decision you make, I will continue to follow you.

Even today I use Frozzen on my live server.

Offline Probocis

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #34 on: March 03, 2017, 09:40:41 AM »
The private way is great to your pack because it will give a chance to be payed for your work, but you have to help other users that helped this pack by implementing aCis style of pay method and free method.

Offline Nefer

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #35 on: March 03, 2017, 10:27:36 AM »
The private way is great to your pack because it will give a chance to be payed for your work, but you have to help other users that helped this pack by implementing aCis style of pay method and free method.
Yes, that's for sure. We always helped people that helped us! ;)

Offline srann1k

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #36 on: March 20, 2017, 07:32:06 AM »
i love l2jfrozen its  nearly best project  it was it is and it will be the best  .   interlude is not dead guys we just need good  added codes in java . such  as 1) VIP seller   with  changable  xp, sp, spoil, adena.   2) auto mana potions.   3) etc,,, bug fixes.    i will donate  and will pay for  DEV job but please dont make it  too expensive.   im using this pack since  2012 so dont thing im newbie here :P  ;) ;) ;) ;)

Offline smfc

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #37 on: April 04, 2017, 01:24:21 PM »
I i was looking in to private server making and got to this forum somehow ^^ As a complete newbe in this I would argue that best way to market your server packs would be online shop where base - clean pack with no addons, no custom items, nothing, just clear server that can run with no bugs is free but everything else goes for minor price - lets say customer wants °npc buffer ok  = $$

and so on, every npc, every event could go as separate sale but stability of core pack could be tested for free
In Lineage 2 we trust

Offline xFranky

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #38 on: July 12, 2017, 09:43:15 PM »
Good evening to all,

I am personally a very old member of L2JFrozen and I purticipate in a lot of pack fixes, bug reports, make new features that could be included in the L2JFrozen, such as KVN mode and I have worked many years with only L2JFrozen up to this day.

I personally study IT programming in the UK, where I would like to get a qualification on Game designing and developing.

My opinion, even though is too late, is if you still keep it a public project, following the ideal of Linux.
Linux is an open source operating system which is supported by millions of users and at least 800 users. Everyone can be developer on that operating system. If there is a virus, it can be updated to the operating system within 1 day.

The reason why I mentioned Linux is, since you do not have that much time to work on the project, the money you may sell the project wouldn't give you the same protection with really good projects worked for longer time than yours. Since you don't have that much time, you can still spend your personal time and have the other users to work on this project or pack. When a member of L2JFrozen creates something such as security feature, it can be pasted here, where you can filter it, maybe improve it and include it in the pack. With this way, the project, or pack can be improved within a sort time of period.

Therefore, if you get and follow the same philosophy and theory of how Linux have become a successful OS, you may get back all the trust of the users, including being the best pack that will be out there, including public or private projects.

This is personally my opinion.

Kind regards,

Offline Nefer

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Re: Lineage 2 World
« Reply #39 on: October 24, 2017, 10:42:24 AM »
As the poll said we will go to a Private pack with different options:

* Compiled pack
* Compiled pack + source
* New updates every month

/topic closed


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  • AgustinBarone: [link] any answer?
    December 21, 2024, 06:34:57 AM
  • joaosoares083: E o tempo não passa
    August 16, 2024, 05:22:35 AM
  • ReDBullz0r: why cant i compile the pack through eclipse? its asking for a username and password
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  • warc222: hi shilay, could you use Lineage 2 classic Interlude or another version of the game Lineage 2 essence as a basis?
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  • L2Saturn: Manye 30 years old want get some old times back, we not need kids in L2 :D Interlude BEST
    December 20, 2023, 09:33:56 PM
  • Shyla: Guys, sorry but life requires time I did not know when I started to work on frozen. Linwage had been my passion, but I have not such time to work on again. More, the game itself now is just for who played in the past, is not attractive for new generations, so I dont think it's good decision to restart to work on that
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  • warc222: aunty aunty when will the work be updated??
    December 17, 2023, 01:08:18 PM
  • warc222: oo hi shila, we will be waiting for you near your house with a pitchfork so that you can start doing the project again
    December 17, 2023, 01:07:22 PM
  • Shyla: I know that xD
    November 28, 2023, 01:31:06 PM
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